Flood Insurance
Flood Insurance Information
Flood Insurance - North Carolina · South Carolina
Serving Wilmington, Jacksonville, Newport, Lexington, Summerville & surrounding communities.
If you own or rent a home anywhere in the United States, you may be surprised to hear that we all actually live in a flood zone. In fact, flooding is the most common natural disaster in our country, affecting every region and state. Yet flood damage to your home and property is excluded from nearly all homeowners insurance and tenant policies. So, it is in the best interest of any homeowner or renter to consider adding flood insurance coverage, regardless of where your home is located or whether your lender requires flood insurance. With one in four insurance claims occurring outside of high-risk flood areas, we know that investing in a separate flood insurance policy to help pay for repairs and replace your belongings in the event of a potential flood is always a wise decision. A study by the National Flood Services concluded that just one inch of flood water in a 1500 square foot home can cause up to $25,000 in flood damage. You can check out your specific home’s estimated flood damage calculation here.
Sheally Insurance Group is well-versed in the ins and outs of flood insurance to make the process of selecting the most affordable coverage for your individual needs as easy as possible. We offer a wide range of reliable private flood insurance products as well as National Flood Insurance Program coverage. Remember, there is a 30-day waiting period before some new flood coverage can begin, so contact our agency to get started right away.
What is typically covered under a flood insurance policy?
- Building coverage pays to repair or replace the insured structure, its foundation, including things like floors and walls, electrical and plumbing systems, central air conditioning, furnaces and water heaters, refrigerators, the stove, built in appliances, and most permanently installed items in your home.
- Contents coverage provides payment for lost or damaged personal possessions inside the building up to a specified insured value for things like furnishings, clothing, electronics, and some appliances.
Additional Coverage Options to Consider
Coverage for temporary living expenses, basement contents, pool repair, and detached structures may also be of interest, depending on your needs. Note that vehicles are generally not covered under a flood insurance policy. Vehicle damage resulting from floodwaters should instead be included in your comprehensive personal auto insurance coverage.
Ready to get started?
No matter where you are, floods can cause thousands of dollars in devastating damage to homes and businesses alike. We can help you become financially prepared for this unfortunate situation. Protect your property with the right flood insurance policy by contacting Sheally Insurance Group today!
Let's Get Started
How do I know if a property is considered at high-risk for flooding?
You can determine whether or not a property is in a high-risk flood area by searching for your property on the flood zone map tool produced by FEMA. Sheally Insurance agents can assist you with flood risk determinations and provide quotes for flood insurance coverage.
What is the definition of a flood?
A flood is a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area, or of two or more properties (at least one of which is the policyholder's property) from: overflow of inland or tidal waters; or unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source; or Mudflow; or the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above.
Insurance can be more affordable when the coverages you need are purchased together. We can help you explore discount options for adding flood coverage to your homeowners insurance policy. Contact our agency to learn more about bundled savings opportunities.
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